Thrive Personal training, fitness and body sculpting for the over 50 male.
lewisanne2022-08-10T14:04:20+00:00Percipience Global marketing consultant specialising in the financial sector.
Penbridge Advisors
lewisanne2022-08-10T14:04:42+00:00Penbridge Advisors Penbridge Advisors is a leading provider of defined benefit plan cost benchmarking data and pension risk transfer (PRT) market information.
lewisanne2022-08-10T14:04:20+00:00GEM The Government Economic Model (GEM) is a tool that allows governments to make smart policy decisions that take into account predicted trends and are future-proofed. The tool gives users a dashboard to visualise different scenarios involving demographics, economics and government revenues - and to plan accordingly. A subsidiary of Dorey Financial Modelling. [...]
Dorey Financial Modelling
lewisanne2022-08-10T14:04:20+00:00Dorey Financial Modelling Dorey Financial Modelling is an international Actuarial Technology (AcTech) company based in Guernsey. The core work is applying actuarial science to help provide smart solutions to clients across a wide range of sectors.